In between screenings and late night parties, DokuFest in Prizren (16-24/8) will continue the tradition of hosting a variety of panels.
DEALING WITH THE PAST (August 18, 17:30h)
Debate and open discussion about experiences in peace building, tolerance and dealing with the past in protracted social conflicts.
Moderator: Adriatik Kelmendi
Panelists: Enver Robelli, Reuf Bajrovic. Predrag Bambic
Place: Mullini, Marash Park
COMPLEX CITIES (19 August, 17:30 h)
A conversation between architects, urban planners and anthropologist on public space and the collective memory of city life.
Panelists: Rozafa Basha, Gezim Pacarizi, Dukagjin Hasimja, Nita Luci and Astrit Hajrullahu
Place: Mullini, Marash Park