Evangelia Kranioti's Exotica, Erotica Etc. won the Best Documentary Award and the Iris First-time Director Award (ex-aequo with Yorgos Zois for Interruption) at the Hellenic Film Academy Awards 2016.
Watch EXOTICA, EROTICA, ETC. on Sunday 3/4/2016 at 15.45 at Danaos Cinema.
Evangelia Kranioti will attend the screening and reply to questions.
The documentary is distributed in Greece by CineDoc.
For more EXOTICA, EROTICA, ETC. click here.
Category Archives: CineDoc
Interview with Marianna Economou (The Longest Run)
The Greek feature-length documentary The Longest Run [Ο πιο μακρύς δρόμος] by Marianna Economou, on two underage irregular migrants detained as smugglers of irregular migrants in the prison of Volos, premieres in Greece at the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival Images of the World on Wednesday 16 March at 20.30 at the Olympion Theatre and on 18 March 2016 at 13.30 at the Stavros Tornes Theatre, Warehouse 1, Port. Dimitra Kouzi spoke with the documentary’s director, Marianna Economou.

The film began about two years ago, when Marianna came across the book At school I forget the prison by Prof. Kostas Magos, which features accounts by underage migrant prisoners from the storytelling workshop run by Prof. Kostas Magos at the Volos prison. “This book shocked me,” says Marianna Economou. “At the same time, it filled me with questions. How can it be possible for these kids, who are struggling to flee from their predicament in their countries of origin, to find themselves in prison, to be tried by a foreign court in a language they do not understand, and many of them to end up serving extremely long sentences of up to 25 years?”
The professor was the first person she met at the prison. “If you manage to get a filming permit, I’m in for the documentary,” this extraordinary teacher told her. Next stop was the prison director’s office. Marianna needed his permission, as well as permission from the Ministry of Justice, before she could film inside the prison. The Director was positive from the outset, since the film would publicise juvenile prisoners’ training. It took six long months to get the coveted filming permit from the Ministry – an authorisation that had never before or since been given, and this was only made possible by circumstances and people. There was “an extraordinary woman at the Ministry, Eftychia Katsigaraki, says the director, who had been involved with the issue of children’s victimization by irregular migrant traffickers; another contributing factor was that prisons were packed full of child migrants and refugees. The issue had begun to attract European attention; it had been brought up in Brussels.”
“The borders have become harder to cross, especially in Evros because of the fence. Traffickers are organised in a pyramid: the head trafficker at the top and the local ones below. The last smuggler, the one to bring them into Greece, does not want to risk further. He is well aware that if he is caught, he faces prison for life. So what does he do? He brings the people to the border, finds an easy victim – a child or a minor – and blackmails them in different ways. He will say, ‘If you don’t get them across and come back to get the rest of them, we will go to your village and kill your mother.’ Or, ‘Do you see that woman and her child? I will drown them if you don’t go.’ That’s the kind of blackmailing techniques that they use. And of course the other thing they often use is to say, ‘If you take people across, you will not have to pay for your own passage.’ And so they convince these minors, who are in effect caught doing this job and are arrested by the Greek authorities. The Greek law is very strict: for each person trafficked, you get 10 years in prison.”
“I started filming during classes. That’s when I started to identify the most interesting stories and the children that were able to bear the weight of this film.” Jasim was the youngest; he was 17. He was totally lost and scared, unable to grasp what had happened and how he had found himself spending four months in prison waiting for trial. “He was just an inexperienced child,” remembers Marianna Economou. “He came from a small village in northern Iraq and found himself in Greece, a country that he did not even know existed; he thought he was going straight to Germany to his brother. Alsaleh from Syria had already been in prison for 14 months waiting for trial. He spoke Greek well, so he helped Jasim with the language. They also shared the same cell and became friends during their months in prison.”
The film begins with children waiting in line to phone their parents. For Marianna Economou, this was the most shocking of all the scenes in prison. “I saw how anxiously they waited for their turn to phone and struggle to get through to Iraq or Syria. In the beginning, I did not understand a word; I only watched their eyes and expressions, and when I asked, they replied, ‘Our parents are in terrible condition. They are worse off than we are. They are in a war.’ It was the time when Kobani was being bombed, while Isis was beheading the Yazidis in northern Iraq, the ethnic group from which Jasim comes. His whole family had to flee into the mountains. I decided that these phone calls were decisive when I heard their parents’ voices on the other end of the line, from another world, speaking with such intensity, such despair, telling them about the war and at the same time asking them, ‘ Are you all right, my child? I love you! I cannot live when you are so far away from me. Take care of yourself!’ It was always a mother talking to her child. These kids have left a family behind; they are not just ‘irregular migrants’; they all had a mom and a dad who cared for them, who loved them. They could be our own children.”
The film achieved something unprecedented: it received a filming permit for the trial of one of the two characters before the court of Komotini, in northern Greece. “The legal and judicial framework for these minors in the courts of Greece is a huge issue. Very few children have legal representation. The court appoints a lawyer five minutes before the trial begins. Good interpreters are scarce,” says the director. “I felt that there is a serious human-rights issue. Social workers are doing their best to support these kids at prison, but it all stops there.”
The film began, like most films in Greece, with two funding applications: one to the state broadcaster, ERT, and one to the Greek Film Centre (EKK). Shortly after, ERT was closed down. When filming was completed, all you could do was to get in touch with foreign channels, funds, etc. As always, however, they came up against the question: “What funding have you already received from your own country, Greece?” Then came the first prize at Docs in Progress at the Thessaloniki Festival and participation in the co-production meetings of Dok Leipzig Festival, where the prevailing response was: “Go ahead; keep us informed, and we will see.” What tipped the scale was the fact that the refugee emergency had broken out and the issue was already in the news. Thus, the film had to come out and the story of these children ought to be heard. They went into editing, using their own funds, in order to submit the film to Leipzig. The film was indeed accepted by DOK Leipzig and premiered on 27 October 2015 in the International Competition for Long Documentary and Animated Film. It won two awards – the PRIZE OF THE UNITED SERVICES TRADE UNION VER.DI and the INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION LONG HONORARY MENTION.
The Longest Run has officially participated in the festivals:
DOCPOINT (Finland), TEMPO (Sweden), CROSSING EUROPE (Switzerland), ONE WORLD Prague (Czech Republic), and DOCSBARCELONA (Spain).
The film premieres in Greece at the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival 2016, on 16 March 2016 at 20.30 at the Olympion Theatre and on 18 March 2016 at 13.30 at the Stavros Tornes Theatre, Warehouse 1, Port.
In Athens, the film will be screened by CineDoc on Friday 22 April at 20.30 at the French Institute (Institut français de Grèce à Athènes, Sina 31, Athens) and on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 April at Danaos Cinema.
“Leipzig was a revelation after all, adds Marianna Economou: It was a great vindication for us and, thanks mainly to the help of Sabine Lange and Madeleine Avramoussis, the film was acquired by ARTE and aired on 2 February 2016. Eventually, the Greek Film Centre also approved the proposal. This is not the way to do things, though. I hope this film opens up a path abroad for me. Yet, if the possibility for co-productions and international productions with ERT is not re-established, I don’ t know how things will be for documentaries in Greece.”
Film Synopsis
In the Volos prison for minors, Alsaleh from Syria and Jasim from Iraq are awaiting trial, facing heavy charges for irregular migrant trafficking. From inside the prison, they talk on the phone with their parents, who live under the terror of war and ISIS raids while struggling to save themselves. The Longest Run closely follows the story of the two friends in prison and in court, revealing how innocent underage refugees often fall victims of coercion by traffickers and serve heavy sentences in Greek prisons while traffickers continue to operate undisturbed. Alsaleh and Jasim know that if they are convicted, they face imprisonment for up to 25 years.
Interview translated into English by Dimitris Saltabassis
Talking about Audience Development

Audience development, communication strategies and a variety of ideas on alternative distribution of documentaries based on my 7-year experience with co-organising CineDoc – that was the topic of my recent visit to Slovakia, invited by Filmtopia and KineDok. The last trip for work in 2015! Read all about it in Kinečko, the visually fantastic Slovak magazine about cinema while practising your Slovak or using Google Translate.
Master of the Light in Berlin 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall

I talked with Marc Bauder about Lichtgrenze in Berlin 25 years after the Berlin Wall fell down and the premiere of his latest documentary Master of the Universe (distributed by CineDoc), which premiers in Greece and four other countries (France, the Netherlands, Poland and Italy) and was recently nominated for the European Film Award 2014.
Stuck in Athens: STOP-OVER
The Talent Dove of the Sparkasse Leipzig Media Foundation, the top prize in the Young Cinema Competition, went to Kaveh Bakhtiari for the Swiss-French production L’Escale (Stop-Over). The prize money of €10,000 is intended to serve as seed funding for the Iranian-born director’s next documentary project. You can immediately feel the Iranian realism, and that is strange because this time it's a documentary.
When I saw the documentary at DOK Leipzig I had the feeling that I discovered something very special. A film set in Athens, showing what is going on with irregular immigrants. It gives a human face to what we normally regard as mere statistics.
Kaveh Bakhtiari spends a year in a flat shared by irregular immigrants in Athens. Along with him are his cousin and others who are stuck in Athens, hoping to find a way to move on to Germany, Norway, or any other European country where they can find a job and survive. The filmmaker follows them in Athens and the result is a poignant, poetic film.
Greece's geographical location and extensive, island-fringed coastlines have long made it a natural stopping-point for people from the Middle East seeking better opportunities elsewhere, with consequences that have become a major domestic political concern in the country over the last few years. This wider picture isn't part of Bakhtiari's remit - instead, his reportage examines the human cost of the situation. Sequences in Amir's unofficial guest-house alternate with external footage in which Bakhtiari accompanies Mohsen and company on their forays into the city, where they're in constant fear of attracting official attention. Through the film you get to know another face of Athens.
Claas Danielsen, DOK Leipzig director, described the film in his opening talk last week in Leipzig:
"And those who see the young Iranians in Kaveh Bakhtiari's film Stop-Over while they desperately risk their lives to arrive in the West, next time they see images of irregular immigrants in the high-security borders of Europe they won't be able to look indifferently the other way."
I myself will never forget the curtain of this small apartment. This image haunts me every time I pass by a basement in Athens.
The film is this year's CineDoc premiere on October 8 2014, 20.00 at the French Institute in Athens (31, Sina Str.).
The film will be followed by a discussion led by journalist Maria Psara, a Migrant Kitchen event by Culinary Backstreets Athens and Give Hope Charity Foundation, and live music from the Eastern-Mediterranean region by Michalis Klapakis and his group Ta Daktyla tis Ekatis.
Who is Michael Haneke ?
In 25 years, Michael Haneke established himself as one of the most important directors in cinema history. From his early work to AMOUR, he created a unique universe, revealing like no other the dregs of our society, or existential fears and emotional outbursts. Through the vision of his actors and previously unseen footage, MICHAEL H. depicts the work of a rare artist.
Yves Montmayeur talked to Dimitra Kouzi about his new documentary Michael H. Profession: Director when visiting Athens for the screening at CineDoc on October 9, 2013.
Listen to the interview he gave me (in English).
Watch the official trailer.
CineDoc Season 2013-14
This year, the CineDoc documentary festival opens with the award-winning documentary The Cleaners by Konstantinos Georgoussis.
In June 2012, the far-right Greek political party Golden Dawn came from nowhere to win seven percent of the parliamentary vote.
Without commentary, the film follows a number of party members during primary elections in central Athens. In disturbing and overtly radical terms, the men air their grievances about the scapegoat for all ills: the growing number of immigrants. In cafés and squares, they enter into discussion with supporters and opponents, keeping a sharp eye on migrant passersby.
Konstantinos Georgoussis, a graduate of the National Film and Television School of the UK, has directed and produced the film in a unique way.
The film won the Special Jury Prize at the Sarajevo Film Festival and has been screened at the International Documentary Festival of Amsterdam and broadcast by Channel 4 in the UK. The Museum of SS-“Topography of Terror” in Berlin, has honored the film with a special screening.
A Q & A will follow with director Konstantinos Georgoussis and journalist Dimitris Psaras (The Black Bible of the Golden Dawn, Polis Editions).
The documentary Democracy, The Way of the Cross follows at 21.30. The film follows the pre-election campaign of four candidates during the May 2012 Greek parliamentary elections.
Listen to
Marco Gastine's interview
The CineDoc 2013-14 program
CINEDOC 2013-14
Παμε Φινλανδια με CineDoc!
Γαλλικό Ινστιτούτο Αθηνών, Τετάρτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2013
Το CineDoc παρουσιάζει τη θεματική ενότητα North Meets South που προβάλλει βραβευμένα ντοκιμαντέρ από χώρες της Σκανδιναβίας (Δανία, Φινλανδία, Νορβηγία και Σουηδία, από 6.2 - 6.3.13) με το αφιέρωμα στη Φινλανδία, σε συνεργασία με τη Φινλανδική Πρεσβεία.
20:00, The Commissioner Pekka Lehto / 60’ / Finland
Το ντοκιμαντέρ παρακολουθεί τον Olli Rehn, επίτροπο της ΕΕ για τις Νομισματικές Υποθέσεις, επί δύο χρόνια, καθώς αντιμετωπίζει το πρώτο κύμα της οικονομικής κρίσης στην Ελλάδα. Είναι εφικτή η επίλυση της κρίσης; Το ντοκιμαντέρ προσεγγίζει τα καυτά ερωτήματα που απασχολούν όλους μας: Γιατί δεν παίρνουμε τις απαραίτητες αποφάσεις; Γιατί δεν αλλάζουμε το τραπεζικό σύστημα; Τι φοβόμαστε και τι επιθυμούμε;
21:00 Steam of Life Joonas Berghäll, Mika Hotakainen / 80’ / 2010 / Finland
Από μια χώρα με ατέλειωτους, σκοτεινούς και κρύους χειμώνες, μια κωμική αλλά και συγκινητική ματιά στη ζωή και την καρδιά Φινλανδών αντρών, που μέσα στη σάουνα ξεγυμνώνουν τις αγωνίες, τις χαρές και τις λύπες της ζωής τους. Συνήθως με ένα ποτό στο χέρι, οι ιστορίες κυλούν αβίαστα η μία μετά την άλλη, φανερώνοντας την τρυφέροτητα και την παιδικότητα των Φιλανδών.
Μετά την 1η προβολή θα γιορτάσουμε με fingerfood από το εστιατόριο Safka. Παράλληλα, όλοι οι θεατές με εισιτήριο CineDoc θα μπορούν να απολαύσουν ένα ειδικό μενού CineDoc δύο πιάτων στο Safka ως τις 15 Μαρτίου (Κυριακή-Πέμπτη).
Επίσης θα κληρώσουμε μια δωρεάν επίσκεψη στην σάουνα και το τζακούζι του Coccon.
Σουλίου 9 & Εριφύλης, 153 43 Αγ.Παρασκευή, Αθήνα, Τηλ. 210 6561975, fax. 210 6561976
Τα δύο ντοκιμαντέρ θα προβληθούν παράλληλα την Κυριακή 3 Μαρτίου 2013 στις 15.30 και 16.30 στον κινηματογράφο Δαναός. Τηλ.: 210 69 22 655..
Προπώληση εισιτηρίων στο βιβλιοπωλείο ΙΑΝΟΣ (Σταδίου 24).Τιμή εισιτηρίων: 6 ευρώ.
Στενό μαρκάρισμα στον Όλι Ρεν
Ποιος είναι ο Ολι Ρεν;
Τι κάνει στον ελεύθερο του χρόνο;
Έχει ελεύθερο χρόνο ! ;
Τι είδους άνθρωπος είναι και ποια είναι η αποστολή του;
Η ΣΑΡΑ ΣΑΟΥΡE- ΣΟΥΦΛΑ ζει τα τελευταία 25 χρόνια στην Έλλάδα. Είναι Φινλανδή δημοσιογράφος και εργάζεται για το φιλανδίκο δημόσιο κανάλι YLE (την Φινλανδική ΕΡΤ δηλαδή) και το ραδιόφωνο.
Την περίοδο 2010-2012 συνεργάστηκε με τον σκηνοθέτη PEKKA LEHTO για την παραγωγή του ντοκιμαντέρ The Commissioner με θέμα τον Όλι Ρεν, τον Επίτροπο της ΕΕ για τις οικονομικές και νομισματικές υποθέσεις.
Ακούστε την συνέντευξη που η Sara Saure-Soufla παραχώρησε στη Δήμητρα Κουζή, με θέμα την εμπειρία και το παρασκήνιο της παραγωγής του ντοκιμαντέρ The Commissioner που πραγματοποιήθηκε στην Ελλάδα
Στενό μαρκάρισμα στο ΝΟΜΑ
Είναι το καλύτερο εστιατόριο στον κόσμο, ψηφισμένο από 800 κριτές και σέφ.
Έχει όλα κι όλα 12 τραπέζια και σερβίρει σκανδιναβική κουζίνα -
ούτε λιαστές ντομάτες ούτε ελαιόλαδο! Γιατί, πολύ απλά, στη Δανία δεν υπάρχει ούτε το ένα ούτε το άλλο. Η κουζίνα του NOMA βασίζεται στα τοπικά προϊόντα και τους εγχώριους μικρούς προμηθευτές. Το ξέρατε ότι υπάρχουν 157 είδη horsradish; Που το καθένα έχει άλλη γεύση; Στο ΝΟΜΑ το γνωρίζουν.
Το χαρακτηριστικό της κουζίνας του Ρενέ Ρετζέπι είναι η επιστροφή στον ανεξερεύνητο πλούτο και την αστείρευτη ποικιλία της φύσης. Το ντεκόρ, σκανδιναβικό: το NOMA στεγάζεται μέσα σε μια παλιά αποθήκη αλατιού, στην οποία επεξεργάζονταν κάποτε κρέας φάλαινας. Πάνω στη θάλασσα. Ατμοσφαιρικό, με κεριά στα τραπέζια, καρέκλες που σε κάνουν να κάθεσαι σαν στο σπίτι σου, όλα είναι απλά, ούτε τραπεζομάντιλα ούτε ασημένια μαχαιροπήρουνα ούτε μουσική. Η ουσία είναι η γεύση, η εμπειρία της.
Γύρω στα 40 άτομα προσωπικό για 40 καλεσμένους, μενού πάνω από 20 διαφορετικά πιάτα. Τρεις μήνες λίστα αναμονής για ένα τραπέζι. Κόστος: 195 ευρώ το άτομο. Δεν ανταποκρίνεται ούτε κατά διάνοια στο πραγματικό κόστος.
Ο Φεράν Αντριά λέει ότι για να πετύχεις ως μάγειρας χρειάζεται ηθική, πάθος, δημιουργικότητα, ελεύθερο πνεύμα και ρίσκο. Φτάνουν αυτά για να αποκτήσεις 2 αστέρια Μισελέν και τον τίτλο του καλύτερου εστιατορίου στον κόσμο; Ο ίδιος λέει επίσης ότι για να είσαι αναρχικός πρέπει να είσαι πολύ οργανωμένος.
Ο René Redzepi, 34 χρονών σήμερα, συγκαταλέγεται στους 100 ανθρώπους με τη μεγαλύτερη επιρροή κατά το περιοδικό TIME. Δεν έχει τελειώσει το Λύκειο. Δουλεύει από τα 15 του, 80-90 ώρες την εβδομάδα. Δεν ζει πλούσια. Στο ντοκιμαντέρ βλέπουμε το σπίτι του, την σύντροφό του, το μωρό τους. Στη δουλειά πάει με το ποδήλατο. Παίρνει τον ρόλο του πολύ σοβαρά – υπέρμαχος της διατροφικής ποικιλίας, διοργανώνει κάθε χρόνο το Συμπόσιο Mad (που σημαίνει φαγητό στα Δανέζικα), ένα από τα σπουδαιότερα σημεία συνάντησης και προβληματισμού για την παγκόσμια διατροφή.
Το ντοκιμαντέρ NOMA at boiling point παρακολουθεί τον σεφ επί 6 μήνες παρασκηνιακά στο NOMA. Μας δίνει μια ευκαιρία να μάθουμε και να εμπνευστούμε από το παράδειγμά του: άγρια χόρτα, μανιτάρια, τυριά μικρών παραγωγών, τοπικά κρέατα, διαφορετικά ψαρικά, κρεμμύδια, σκόρδα, όσπρια, μοναδικά είδη βοτάνων - όλα αυτά χρειάζεται να μπουν στο μενού μας, στα μενού των εστιατορίων και κάθε ταβέρνας της Ελλάδας!
Προβάλλεται την Τετάρτη 6/2 στις 20.00 στο Γαλλικό Ινστιτούτο και την Κυριακή 10/2 στον κινηματογράφο ΔΑΝΑΟΣ.
Την Τετάρτη μετά την προβολή στο Γαλλικό Ινστιτούτο θα προσφερθεί fingerfood από το σκανδιναβικό εστιατόριο της Αθήνας Safka και κρασί από το Κτήμα Λαντίδη.