Category Archives: EN

CineDoc 24/10/2012 – Marathon Boy

Gemma Atwal / 90’ / 2011 / UK

A coach and a slum boy united by a dream, divided by the world.
The story of a four-year-old boy who is plucked from the slums of
India by his coach and trained to become India’s greatest runner.
But what starts as a real Slumdog Millionaire turns into the stuff
of film noir: a tale of greed, envy and broken dreams.

Wednesday 24/10/2012 at 20.00 - CineDoc, French Institute, Athens

Sponsored by Runner Magazine

“This Ain´t California”: the debate at Prix Europa 2012!

Prix Europa, October 20-27, 2012, Berlin

This Ain´t California, Germany, 96 min., 2011, was nominated for the TV Documentary category.

A few words about the film from the Prix Europa catalogue:

In 90 minutes, we see the GDR more sharply, more clearly: the skater subculture shows that not all was grey-on drab clouds of Trabant fumes. This film takes original clips of the "wheel-board rides" - straight out of East Germany in the 80s - and mixes it with animations and re-encounters with the protagonists today in a documentary narrative.
After the debate at Prix Europa 2012 about the film, the producer chose to withdraw the film from the competition.

This Ain't California has already following awards: 
Berlinale Interntational Film Festival – DIALOGUE EN PERSPECTIVE AWARD
Lighthouse International Film Festival - SPECIAL JURY PRIZE 2012
Festival’s Selection:
Karlovy Vary Film Festival – Documentary Competition
Latest news : THIS AIN’T CALIFORNIA is among the short listed German candidates for the 2013 Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

Also nominated at Prix Europa for the TV DOCUMENTARY awards 2012 were:

Danube Hospital, Austria, 75 Min.
Amateur Filmmaker, Belarus, 28 Min.
The Court, Belgium, 40 Min.
The War Reporter, Croatia, 60 Min.
A Split Second - 10 Stories From The Roads, Denmark, 56 Min.
Forever Yours, Finland, 77 Min.
Ballad For A Queen, France, 91 Min.
The Century Of Cartier-Bresson, France, 53 Min.
The Algerian War, The Fracture, France, 57 Min.
The Khmer Rouge And The Man Of Non - Violence, France, 87 Min.
This Man Is A Multi-Layered Cake, France, 57 Min.
Hitler´s Children, Germany, 78 Min.
Munich 1970- When The Terror Came To Us, Germany, 91 Min.
The Second Execution Of Romell Broom, Germany, 89 Min.
Meet The Fokkens, The Netherlands, 77 Min. (the winner of Prix europa 2012)
Stuff Everywhere, The Netherlands, 57 Min.
Back To The Square, Norway, 85 Min.
Doctors, Poland, 81 Min.
Vera Gran, Poland, 76 Min.
My Name Is Druillet, Spain, 67 Min.
He Thinks He´s The Best, Sweden, 76 Min.
Ahead To The Past, Switzerland, 52 Min.
Alex: A Life Fast Forward, United Kingdom, 58 min.

October, 22, 2012, Das Geld und die Griechen

A Korsakow-Show (an interactive audio-visual experience) is taking place on Monday the 22nd of October in Athens.The topic of the documentary project is the monetary crisis and its effects on the Greek people.Florian Thalhofer and Elissavet Aggou have travelled around Greece and conducted numerous interviews in order to produce a Korsakow-Film.

Goethe Institut Athen, 22 October 2012

Short video explaining the Korsakow-Show setup. This show took place in Munich Dec, 18, 2009 – "Freedom and Money" with Georg Zoche and Prof. Michael Hüther. "Hilfe, Freiheit!" (Help, Freedom!) was the title of a series of 14 talk-events at Kammerspiele, Munich 2008-2010. Florian Thalhofer and Tobias Hülswitt collaborated in this project with Björn Bicker. The format of the Korsakow-Show was developed by Florian Thalhofer, the inventor of the Korsakow-System.

CineDoc Documentary Festival: 2012-13

September 2012 – April 2013, French Institute, Athens

Parallel Screenings in Athens, Thessaloniki, Chania, Patras, Nicosia

CineDoc CineDoc is an innovative media initiative that screens international award-winning documentaries. It has been organized since 2009 by Rea Apostolides, Avra Georgiou and Dimitra Kouzi, in cooperation with the French Institute at Athens and Anemon Productions, and is supported  by the Goethe Institute at Athens, the British Council at Athens, the Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish Embassies in Greece, the Norwegian Institut at Athens and Filmstransit International.CineDoc collaborates with Danaos Cinema (Athens) Pavlos Zannas Cinema and the Thessaloniki Cinema Museum (Thessaloniki), Cine-Μathimata (Chania), Gymnos Ofthalmos, Lithografeio Theatre (Patras) and Brave New Culture (Nicosia), where the CineDoc programme is screened in parallel. The screenings are accompanied by special events aimed at inspiring community action and bringing together documentary professionals.

Organization – Programme Selection: Rea Apostolides, Avra Georgiou, Dimitra Κouzi
Production – Coordination: Electra Peppa
Communication: Dimitra Kouzi
Social Media: Irini Panagopoulou
Text Translation – Editing: Dimitris Saltabassis
Catalogue Graphic Design:  Penny Zevoli
Parallel screenings in collaboration with:  Ilias Georgiopoulos (Danaos Cinemas), Notis Forsos (Pavlos Zannas Cinema and Thessaloniki Cinema Museum), Yiangos Hadjiyiannis  (Brave New World), Matthaios Frantzeskakis (Cine-Mathimata), Nikolaos Kavvadias and Elena Alexandraki (Gymnos Ofthalmos, Lithografeion Theatre)

 The 2012-13 programme in detail:cinedoc 12_13-1

Online Pitching Sessions 2012: historical documentaries

October  23, 2012 at 14:00 (Central European Time). At the online EDN Video Conference Room.

EDN Online Pitching is a pitching format based on an online video conference, where a limited number of documentary projects are pitched. For this pitching session EDN is calling for historical documentary projects. The submission deadline is October 2, 2012.

EDN Online Pitching is an initiative where four documentary projects are pitched to a group of leading international financiers and decision makers. Each session will have a specific focus like science, history, art or similar. The pitching takes place online in the EDN Video Conference Room and each session lasts one hour. This session, which will be focusing on historical documentaries, will take place on October 23, 2012 at 14:00 (Central European Time).

For this session we plan to have the presence of 5 - 6 financiers, with a special interest in historical documentaries. As soon as we have names of financiers confirmed, we will add them here.

How to submit a project for EDN Online Pitching

The deadline for submitting your project is October 2, 2012.

In order to submit your documentary project you must:
1) Upload your documentary project at the EDN web site. You do so by adding the project in question to your EDN Membership Profile.

2) Email a 2-page description of your project and a link to the project profile at
the EDN web site to the email address [email protected].

Your written 2-page presentation should include the following elements:

  • - Title, name of producer, production company and director, length, format & production plan/time of delivery
  • - Short synopsis
  • - Treatment with visual approach & reflections on the narrative
  • - The total budget sum (not the whole budget)
  • - A brief financing plan
  • - Short CV & filmography of company and director
  • - Contact details on producer/production company and/or director

Participation fee

Participating in the EDN Online Pitching Session is free of charge, but it requires that you have created an EDN Membership profile via an EDN membership. If you are not a member of EDN yet, you can join EDN here.

How the online pitching works

The aim of the EDN Online Pitching Sessions is to create a forum where documentary projects with a specific focus can be introduced and discussed. This low cost set-up makes it possible to create space for introductions and discussions of themes and focuses not always viable in the offline world.

The written presentations and pilots of the selected projects will be circulated among the participating financiers before the session. The pilots of the selected projects will be available at the EDN web site.

To set off the discussion of the project being pitched, the presenting director/producer/team will make a 3-4 minutes verbal addition to the project description. Then the discussion and evaluation of the project will be open. The feedback will be given by 4-6 financiers, decision makers and experts relevant to the specific focus for each session.

The involved partners in the session will all have audio and visual contact via the video interface provided in the EDN Video Conference Room.

EDN Contact Person

Ove Rishøj Jensen

[email protected]

Phone: +45 3313 1122

Tue Steen Müller writes about CineDoc on

When noone else does anything to bring good documentaries to Athens, you have to do it yourselves! This is what three film people, all women, decided to do and if you have a look at their programme, you can only be very impressed by the actuality and phantasy that is put into the organisation. This is what they write – to give you the background of the programme that started in 2009 – as a preface to the catalogue:

CineDoc is an innovative public media initiative which screens European and international award-winning documentaries across the year. Hosted at Institut Francaus in Athens, it also travels to cinema clubs, schools and cultural organisations across Greece and Cyprus. Screenings are accompanied by special events, used to inspire community action and bring together documentary professionals. Signed Rea Apostolides, Avra Georgiou, Dimitra Kouzi.

Themes like "7 Ways to cope with the Crisis", "Remembering Japan" and "Steps and Tunes" include films like Valentin Thum's "Taste the Waste", Robert Cibis and Lillian Franck's "Pianomania" (photo), "El Bulli" (Gereon Wetzel), "Kinshasa Symphony (Wischmann & Baer), "Into Eternity" (Michael Madsen) and new Greek films – Karakepelis's "Raw Material", Abazoglou's "Oriental Sweetness" and Dayandas's "Sayome".

Find out more: CineDoc in Filmkommentaren.